Java Developer Resume Samples

A Java Developer duty includes designing, developing and providing high volume, low latency Java applications. A well-drafted Java Developer Resume mentions the following duties – contributing in all phases of the application development life-cycle; preparing and producing releases of software components; writing efficient and testable codes; identifying bottlenecks and bugs; maintaining code quality, and devising solutions to various problems, and ensuring best possible performance and quality.

To get qualified, the candidate must demonstrate the following skills – proficiency in Java, solid understanding of object-oriented programming; skilful in writing reusable Java libraries; familiarity with concepts of JDBC, RESTful, and MVC; familiarity with popular web application framework, experience with Java GUI frameworks, knack for writing a clean readable code; and experience with both external and embedded databases. Employers look for those possessing a degree in Computer Science or Engineering.

Looking for drafting your winning cover letter? See our sample Java Developer Cover Letter.
Java Developer Resume example

Java Developer Resume

Objective : Java Developer And Tester with 4 plus years of experience in designing, implementing and deploying commercial Enterprise Applications for Multi-tiered-distributed software products and distributed applications using Java/SQL technologies. Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development. Involved in defining and designing the layers, components of the project using OOAD methodologies and standard J2EE patterns and guidelines.

Skills : J2EE, EJB 3.0, JMS, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services Serverside Programming Java Servlet 2.4, JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries Scripting Languages JavaScript, AJAX, Python, HTML

Java Developer  Resume Template

Description :

  1. Involved in the design and implementation of the S13E (statewide rule 13 exception) application.
  2. Participated in daily scrum meetings and sprint retrospective and sprint planning for on-time delivery of business needs.
  3. Extensively worked with eclipse to develop, test and deploy the complete application developed UI (front end screens) using JSF prime faces.
  4. Developed applications in the eclipse ide and deployed in the Bluemix (cloud foundry) server environment.
  5. Involved in code reviews to make sure the best coding standards and java best practices are used before placing the code in version control.
  6. Responsible for the design, development, and engineering of software solutions using Node.js, Angular.js, Angular2+ and other JavaScript-based frameworks for web development
  7. Responsible for the design, development, and engineering of REST and SOAP web services
  8. Responsible for coding and documenting quality code using best practices, such as unit test integration.
Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
Bachelor Of Science

Full Stack Java Developer Resume

Summary : Full Stack Java Developer with over eight years of experience in requirement analysis, architectural design and application development for Java/J2EE based software systems. Experienced in Web development technologies like HTML, XHTML, DHTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, XML and XSL/XSLT. Good exposure on design patterns like Front Controller, Data Access Object (DAO), Data Transfer Object (DTO), Session Facade, Service Locator and Singleton. Ability to quickly grasp any new technologies and concepts.

Skills : Java EE, Java SE, JavaBeans, JDBC, EJB, JPA, RMI, JNDI, JMS, Annotations, Hibernate, Spring, Java Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Struts, JSF, JQuery, AJAX, Java RESTful Web Service

Full Stack Java Developer Resume Model

Description :

  1. Conducted system requirement analysis, architectural design, object model design, and user interface and page navigation design.
  2. Created a prototype program that allows CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on hundreds or thousands of structured data records on each of several the web screens, created custom components and tag libraries to match the look and feel of the other oui web applications.
  3. Developed database stored procedures to summarize the state accounting records.
  4. Fixed a user input validation bug involving a javascript function with a wrong logic for computing leap years.
  5. Provided internet explorer view compatibility solution, which removed the abnormalities associated with running the application in the current version of ie, while keeping its original functionalities intact.
  6. Implemented LDAP web security with JBoss 6 server configuration and added/modified XML and HTML files for the application.
  7. Participated in user story creation and sprint planning activities.
  8. Designed, coded, tested and debugged software during our agile, sprint-based releases using documented user stories and close team communication as a guide.
Years of Experience
7-10 Years
Experience Level

Junior Java Developer/Systems Engineer Resume

Objective : Junior Java Developer/Systems Engineer with around 4+ years of experience in Systems Analysis, Design, Development and Implementation of Web and Client/Server and Enterprise Application development using J2EE Framework. Extensively worked on n-tier architecture systems with application system development using Core Java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JMS, Web services, Restful Web Services, Spring, Spring boot, Struts MVC, JSF, Hibernate.

Skills : J2EE Technologies Servlets, JSP, Struts, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, RMI, JAXB, JAX-WS, CXF. Framework Spring, Struts, Hibernate 3.0/4.x, Junit

Junior Java Developer/Systems Engineer Resume Model

Description :

  1. Involved in requirements gathering, analysis and design and documentation as the application was started from scratch.
  2. Developed various j2ee components like servlets, JSP, JSTL, Ajax, SAX, XSLT, JAXP, JNDI, LDAP, JMS, and MQ series by using rad.
  3. Used Struts/MVC framework to enable the interactions between JSP/View layer and implemented different design patterns with J2EE.
  4. Implemented business layer using core java, spring beans using dependency injection, spring annotations, spring web-flow components.
  5. Implemented agent-server messaging dialog using camel and JMS (active MQ implementation).
  6. Set up a Jenkins server and build jobs to provide automated builds based on polling the git source control system.
  7. Developed custom solutions that act upon Jenkins information in real-time.
  8. Developed the services using AWS elastic search, restful services using JAX-RS and Java.
Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
Bachelor Of Science

Lead Java Developer Resume

Summary : Experienced Lead Java Developer with 14 years of experience in Java/J2EE related technologies. Sound experience in the Analysis, Design, Development, Coding, and Testing under Client-Server environment. Experience in J2EE Design patterns, Struts framework, Spring, Hibernate, MyBatis. Expertise in developing both front end & back end applications using Java, Servlets, JSP, ANT, AJAX, EJB, Struts 2.0, Hibernate, JMS, JDBC, XML, Restful Web Services. Highly motivated self-starter with Excellent Communication, Presentation, and Problem Solving Skills and committed to learning new technologies.

Skills : Windows, UNIX, IDE Eclipse, Intelli J IDEA, RAD, Spring STS Version Control Tortoise Testing And Building GitHub, SVN, IBM Rational Clear Case, And CVS

Lead Java Developer Resume Example

Description :

  1. Responsible for requirements gathering, conceptual design, analysis, detail design, development, system testing, user acceptance testing, data validation, version controlling and deployment.
  2. Designed and developed web application using JSF, spring web-flow, spring and ajax technology.
  3. Used Selenium web driver for automating functional testing and to identify various critical points in applications.
  4. Configured Selenium web driver, maven tool, testing and created Selenium automation scripts in Java using TestNG.
  5. Designed and developed front end UI using JSF, Apache MyFaces, and Richfaces components.
  6. Wrote Javascript for validating the client-side user information based on their business rules.
  7. Coordinating activities and motivating others through leadership and a positive outlook, having strong analytical and debugging skills.
  8. Developed custom tag libraries for providing multi-lingual functionality.
Years of Experience
10+ Years
Experience Level
Masters of Science

Java Developer (Contractor) Resume

Headline : Skilled Java Developer with over 5+ years of experience designing and implementing Object Oriented, Pattern-based s and enterprise solutions using Java/ J2EE technologies. Proven ability to design and implement quality applications that meet or exceed customer expectations. Worked primarily in the domain of Banking, Financial, Health Care domain, Insurance, Utility being involved with Development, Reengineering, Maintenance, and Testing of projects.

Skills : AJAX, HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, XSL, XSLT, JavaScript, GWT, Dojo, JQuery Version Controls CVS, Rational Clear Case, VSS, SVN, GitHub Databases

Java Developer (Contractor) Resume Example

Description :

  1. Involved in the technical design and created the detail design artifacts such as use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams.
  2. Followed agile scrum methodology and used Test-driven Development (TDD) developed stored procedures to extract data based on the business criteria.
  3. Used Spring MVC along with JSP, HTML, CSS and Javascript to construct the UI layer for the application in presentation/web tier.
  4. Used bootstrap for separating the database files for building an interface.
  5. Developed code for responsive web design in javascript using frameworks like Angular JS.
  6. Used Spring ORM as a persistence framework to map java objects to relational database tables using XML configuration files.
  7. Used business delegate, singleton, front controller, factory and DAO design patterns.
  8. Developed common reusable component libraries (crud scaffolding) to be reused in different projects throughout the company's IT team using GWT, Spring Data, JPA.
  9. Utilized mongodb database management system for keeping user generated data.
Years of Experience
5-7 Years
Experience Level
Bachelor Of Science

Lead Java Developer/Architect Resume

Objective : Over 4 plus years of progressive experience working as Lead Java Developer/Architect on various domains like Insurance, Health Care and Public Sector industries in various phases of the application development cycle - Analysis, Design, Development and Supporting. Expertise in complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and ability to work as the primary interface between Business and other parties Experience in Waterfall and Agile (SCRUM) methodologies.

Skills : Java, Spring MVC, UNIX, Shell Scripting, Oracle 10G, SQL Server 2005, JSP Servlets, REST Web Services, Hibernate, Angularjs, UNIX, Windows XP, Windows 7

Lead Java Developer/Architect Resume Template

Description :

  1. Designed/developed the automation and post-processing modules in the inter plan processing project.
  2. Involved in writing technical specifications for many use cases in the automation module.
  3. Interacted with business users and analysts for requirements gathering for all the use case implementations.
  4. Hands-on experience in using HL7 and HIPAA standards wherever necessary during communication between various plans and between plans and healthcare providers.
  5. Designed/developed message listeners/message-driven beans (MDB) for the automation module.
  6. Extensively worked in designing and developing new UI screens using JSF framework for the recovery of lost transactions and messages.
  7. Used various third party JSF components from Richfaces and tomahawk to enrich the web pages.
  8. Actively coordinate with the team to run the probe for checking the performance of the application.
Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
Bachelor Of Science

Java Developer/Intern Resume

Objective : Java Developer/Intern with 2+ years of experience in software application design, analysis and development on Client-Server Applications. Experience in building enterprise Applications and Distributed Systems using technologies such as Core Java, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, JSF, EJB, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, JDBC, JMS) and XML. Extensive experience in Application Software Design, Object Oriented Design, Development, Documentation, Debugging, Testing and Implementation.

Skills : JAVA , JAVAEE, AngularJS, JQuery, HTML4/5, JSP, Servlets, Ajax, CSS2/3, JavaScript, JMS, JTA, Multithreading, Nodejs, RMI, TestNG Frameworks Spring4/3, Struts2, Spring Boot, Spring Batch EJB. Hibernate

Java Developer/Intern Resume Sample

Description :

  1. Involved in developing a web application with the full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from design to deployment using agile methodologies.
  2. Designed Graphical User Interface (GUI) for various webpages using Ajax, HTML, CSS, JSF, Jquery Javascript, and Angular JS.
  3. Developed single page applications, components using angular js directives, controllers, view and routing, service modules.
  4. Implemented the FSSO token authentication module across multiple domains.
  5. Implemented different design patterns like singleton, factory and j2ee design patterns like a business delegate, session facade, value object, and DAO design patterns.
  6. Used spring framework's IOC dependency injection to inject service object using the service locator design pattern into action classes.
  7. Developed a web 2.0 control console using GWT to manage data matching for data staging used struts tag libraries in the JSP pages involved in designing class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Omnigraffle.
  8. Involved in developing java beans for the business logic using session facade pattern and deploying them in apache tomcat.
  9. Installed, configured and maintained WebSphere commerce and was applications.


Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
Bachelor Of Science

Junior Java Developer Resume

Headline : Junior Java Developer with around 5 years of professional experience in IT Industry involved in Developing, Implementing and maintenance of various web-based applications using Java, J2EE and SOA Technologies. Extensive experience in design, development, and support using Struts MVC, Spring MVC and JSF Developed core modules in large cross-platform applications using JAVA, J2EE, Hibernate, JPA, JTA, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, XML and HTML. Experienced with various frameworks like Struts, Hibernate and JPA.

Skills : Java, SQL, PL/SQL Enterprise Java JSP, Servlet, JNDI , JDBC,JSF Mark-up/XML Technologies HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, CSS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, DOJO, NodeJs

Junior Java Developer Resume Template

Description :

  1. Followed agile methodology to analyze, define and document the application which will support functional and business requirements.
  2. Actively participated in the daily scrum meetings to produce quality deliverables within time information and helped to clear ambiguity in the requirements document.
  3. Used spring framework including Spring Core /IOC, spring web-MVC, spring batch, spring boot, spring-security, spring orm, spring AOP modules.
  4. Designed and developed advance dynamic views using JSP, Javascript, Jquery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Angular JS.
  5. Involved in setting up spring security in securing the app based on user roles.
  6. Used Spring IOC (Inversion of Control) to remove the object dependencies across the application.
  7. Implemented the spring-security and transaction management (spring-tx) in the application.
  8. Built Rest/SOAP-based services for all user-based operations like enroll user, modifying user and authenticate user depending on risk factor of the user login.
Years of Experience
5-7 Years
Experience Level
Masters of Science

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer Resume

Summary : More than Seven Years of experience as a Sr. Full Stack Java Developer in Development of web-based applications using Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts MVC, Hibernate, Spring MVC, HTML, JavaScript, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, XML, AJAX, JUnit and build tools like ANT and Maven.; Application servers (Websphere, JBOSS, Tomcat and Oracle Weblogic). Extensively utilized the features provided by Struts and Spring framework in various projects for MVC architecture.

Skills : Spring, ExtJS, Java, Hadoop, IBM Rational Tools, RTC, ClearCase, RAD, Microsoft Visual Studio, NetBeans, Eclipse, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, UML, Junit, XML, MKS, MVC Methodology, Tomcat, JBoss, C/C++, HTML

Sr. Full Stack Java Developer Resume Sample

Description :

  1. Participated in user story creation and sprint planning activities.
  2. Designed, coded, tested and debugged software during our agile, sprint-based releases using documented user stories and close team communication as a guide.
  3. Used “good coding hygiene” (e. g., solid unit testing practices, object-oriented design, responsible refactoring, etc.) to ensure that you are building good quality software.
  4. Defined and implemented technical direction for your team’s projects.
  5. Led the team toward crafting new user experiences that exceed customer expectations
  6. Suggested areas for improvement in internal processes along with possible solutions.
  7. Contributed to our library of development components and frameworks.
  8. Participated in usability studies with our customers.
  9. Worked closely with various interfacing teams for smooth and bug-free delivery of application under mission-critical timelines.
Years of Experience
7-10 Years
Experience Level
Masters of Science

Jr. Java Developer Resume

Objective : Jr. Java Developer 3+ years of experience in developing web-based enterprise applications using J2EE technologies such as Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Multithreading, EJB, JDBC, JSP, TAGLIB, Servlets, JMS, JPA, JTA, Ajax, Maven, Ant, Web Services, REST (JAX-RS), SOAP (JAX-WS) and WSDL. Experience in development and technical support of Java/J2EE applications for Financial Services, Insurance, Banking, E-Commerce, Telecom, and Health Care Domains.

Skills : Spring (MVC, Context, ORM, JDBC, JMS, Webservices, Transactions), Hibernate, Struts, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JSF, EJB, JSTL, JNDI, SOAP, REST JAXP, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, XML, XSD, XSLT, JSON, DOM Parser, SAX, SOAPUI

Jr. Java Developer Resume Template

Description :

  1. Working with a small team in enhancing the Jbehave framework using Java for the adaptability to the current project for creating the test environment.
  2. Implemented Java and J2EE design patterns like singleton, business delegate and data transfer object and data access object.
  3. Wrote SPA (Single Page Web Applications) using restful web services plus Ajax and Angularjs.
  4. Developed web services component using SOAP and restful API for inter-application communication.
  5. Designed and developed business and persistence layer components using Spring IOC and hibernate.
  6. Extensively worked on Vcenter with virtualization exposure in developing the functionalities related to the application through CLI and API.
  7. Developed a private assembly for the component promotion with the Kubernetes setup.
  8. Utilized jackson processor to handle JSON data binding for request & response objects.
  9. Developed and configured the Java beans using spring and hibernate framework.
  10. Used hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
Years of Experience
2-5 Years
Experience Level
Bachelor Of Technology