Banking Career Resources

Banking Career Resources

Interested to establish, grow your career in the Banking, here is a detailed guide about Banking Career Resources covering Career Path, Courses, Job Resources, Various Organizations & Associations, News, Videos, books, resume samples and more.

The Banking sector is a vast, wide and varied sector ranging from accounting to administration to financial advising, there are a plethora of job roles available within this sector for the eager and enthusiastic job hunters. A career in Banking is a gateway as this is one sector that opens wide its doors of possibility to individuals who want to use their skills and knowledge in meaningful ways.

Banks offer a variety of job roles to people regardless of gender, nation, origin, age, race or physical capabilities. Due to heavy demand and expansion of the far banking facilities, there is a continuous demand for manpower within this sector, and hence Banks frequently hire and train individuals who seek growth and challenges in this field.

A career in Banking will fit best those people who have a passion for learning and working. Banks offer plenty of career path options and job duties. Since this is a service industry, there is always a chance for consistent growth, and success; and a career in this line offers stability and integrity as well.

What most of us know about a Banking job is that it is a lucrative one! But what one needs to know is that this dynamic industry offers various other benefits and here are a few among them –

  • Wide range of job roles and experience
  • Wide scope for advancement
  • Excellent working hours and atmosphere
  • Competitive salary
  • Excellent benefits
  • Rewarding and fulfilling
  • Interesting and challenging
  • Extensive responsibilities
  • Rapid career progression
  • Plenty of non-monetary benefits

Well, this being said, then why one shouldn’t consider making a career in this Service sector!

Career Resources in Banking

The Banking profession offers a wide range of opportunities, a rapid career profession, good pay benefits, and early responsibilities. The success of every bank is due to the skill, honesty, dedication and hard work of the people working for it. Working in this sector provides a chance to face new and interesting challenges every single day.

Due to the advent and expansion of Online Banking technology and e-commerce, there is always a consistent, continuous and huge demand for tech-savvy individuals within the Banking sector.
For those who strive to accept challenges, this job can be a great one!

Whatever your interests, talents and educational background may be, the Banking sector comes with a wide range of job roles to suit every person’s knowledge and skill level. While some are familiar only with a few job titles such as the Customer Service Representatives and the Tellers, what one should know is that there are many other key areas of Banking services such as

  • Commercial Banking
  • Bank Administration
  • Accounting
  • Compliance
  • Human Resources
  • Operations
  • Technology/Information Systems
  • Security
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Investment Banking

With so many job roles to explore, it makes sense to consider a Career in Banking!

A career in Banking is an ever-expanding and massive one, and this guide is specifically crafted to help those individuals who are interested in this career and want to know more about the industry, career options, and education needed to succeed in this area of work!

  1. – The page gives a brief sketch of how to pursue a career in the Banking field. Individuals interested in this career can learn about various Banking job options and the education courses that can help in securing a bank job.
  2. – The article gives a clear picture of the various pros and cons of the investment Banking career path. Those interested in Investment Banking can know about the work, hierarchy, lifestyles, salaries, and other details from this source.
  3. – An Excellent platform that is committed to enhancing the personal growth of people interested in Banking career. Over here, you can gain career coaching, and mentoring from experts and listen to new ideas. You can even check out how the hiring process will be like!
  4. – Those considering a career in Banking on their radar should visit this site. Morgan Stanley lists why a career in Banking is considered the best option.
  5. – This resource gives a brief note of various job titles such as branch manager, Commercial Banker, Mortgage Banker, and investment banker. Know about the job description and more from this site.
  6. – The career resource page guides on how to map a career in Banking and explains about 45 bank job positions in detail.
  7. – the best resource site for those interested in investment Banking. The career page gives a list of various investment banking positions.
  8. – Find jobs in the Banking industry and explore your interests by visiting this webpage. Various types of Banking jobs are explained in detail.
  9. – Those interested in a career in the Banking domain can benefit from this resource page. The web resource gives a breakdown of Banking jobs and finance jobs.
  10. – The Web page provides vital information about a career in Banking. Individuals interested in this career can know about the various job types in Banking, where to work, job duties, and how to become a Banking professional.
  11. – Join the M&T Team and know everything about how to make a great future in the Banking industry. Know about job openings, professional educational courses, employee experiences, and also know who the hiring process will look like.

Banking Courses

The Banking sector is one industry that never falls short of employment opportunities. Due to this constant demand in the field, many individuals are opting for a career in Banking, which means – Tough competition.

Banking Courses

Candidates seeking this career come from a diverse range of educational backgrounds such as business, arts, commerce, and engineering. To pass the qualifying bank examination and get employed in banks, the job seeker should be able to understand the financial process, gain Banking knowledge and stay aware of the progressive ways to operate a bank, and this very reason forces people to pursue Banking career courses after their graduation.

Several Banking courses can be taken up after graduation and some of these are provided by the banks themselves. While some of these courses are offered through an MBA course in colleges, many are provided through private institutions.

It will be a myth if we say that these courses are only useful for people who want to begin their Banking career, as more and more professionals enroll in this study to acquire knowledge and advance professionally within the area. Banking courses impart the needed knowledge among candidates and help them in fulfilling their goals and advance in their careers.

These courses can either be taken up online or at the campus. Banking courses cover a plethora of topics such as finance management, account management, corporate cash management, personal management and so on. Banking courses are taken by a myriad of people coming from multiple industries, as this gives them the needed skills and abilities for betterment in their career and professional goals.

Those who want to know more about this field and interested in learning these courses can take a look at the following resource page which is compiled by us for your easy reference

  1. – It is a fact that investment Banking is rated as one of the top two careers. Those interested in this career should learn from this career resource. Their 180 hours of power-packed CIBOP course is fully equipped with the needed skill-sets to make a career in Investment Banking.
  2. – Banking courses are instrumental to make a career in Banking. CFT provides a wide range of Banking courses, online economics courses, principles of Banking, and a wide spectrum of Banking crash courses in various formats. You can consider this platform as the diplomas and certificates offered by this industry are nationally recognized.
  3. – Banking courses offer help to job seekers who want to enhance their skills and abilities to grow professionally. This resource site gives a list of various Banking programs.
  4. – Regarded as the best and trusted pathway for your Banking career. Enroll in the PG Diploma in Banking Management and be assured to get a job in leading banks.
  5. – This resource site is useful for those who are already working in the industry and for those who are looking for a career change. Listed in this site are various online college degrees and online business training sites that offer online education.
  6. – The program will help you to prepare for your Banking jobs and also help you in your career progression.

Job Resources

Various financial sectors and industries invite applications from different types of bankers including investment, commercial and personal bankers. While the job description, roles, and responsibilities may vary from role to role, all these professionals are hired to satisfy the financial needs of the clients.

Banking Jobs

While a Personal Banker works on a one-on-one basis with the clients and supports them in opening business accounts, overseeing the financial transaction, handling deposits and money orders; Commercial Bankers, on the other hand, processes loans for potential entrepreneurs; and the Investment Banker shoulders the duty of connecting financiers with possible or various investment opportunities.
To become a banker, one must go through a systemic road map of completing a degree with majors in Banking and financial management, then participate in an internship, and make connections within the field by networking with prospective employment opportunities.

If you are looking for a job in Banking, then you should know that these days there is certainly room for optimism. Hiring needs and the demand for this job have drastically picked up over these past decades and many experts are of the strong feeling the Banking job market will get even more stronger as baby boomers are setting their foot out of this workforce.

Candidates seeking a career in this role can very easily get placed in roles that require less experience, as the job market isn’t that competitive. However, to get a major leg up, they have to stay connected with the right tools while searching for Banking jobs. Here, are some of the top websites and resource guide that can help you in the process of landing into a Banking job in less time –

  1. – This is a place where you can narrow your search for bank jobs. Also, the site offers various niche markets and advice to land into your bank dream job.
  2. – There is a job for every job seeker over here. The platform focusses solely on Banking jobs, job seekers can find various openings from asset manager jobs to the investment banker.
  3. – NPA assists thousands of Banking and financial services and wealth management professionals to enhance their careers through quality recruitment.
  4. – When it comes to searching for a variety of Banking jobs in the least amount of time, then is the best bet. The platforms aggregate thousands of job posts from various Banking company websites and job boards.
  5. – The mission of the Santander is to help people prosper; hence, this is the best platform for customers, employees, and future employees. Explore a variety of jobs from retail Banking to risk management to internal audit here!

Organizations and Associations

As said earlier, the Banking field is rapidly increasing and gaining success. Experts in the field predict that there will always be a demand for various job posts within the Banking sector. This influx depicts that the Banking field is going to be challenging and competitive for Banking professionals, and hence they have to think of better and innovative ways to network and move ahead in their careers.

Banking Associations

The best solution and way to handle this challenging situation is to enroll and become members of various Banking organizations and Associations. Professional organizations and associations are a great way to tackle the competition and gain an upper hand. Most of the organizations provide plenty of opportunities to learn new things, stay updated with the latest trends and meet new like-minded people.

The following list has been researched and compiled by us and can be considered as a key resource for those interested in enhancing professional development or to connect with like-minded Banking professionals. All these sites are a wealth of information, knowledge and will lead you to different types of professional associations, Banking institutions, regulatory agencies, government agencies related to this field –

  1. – Take full benefits, advantages from this resource site. Become an ABA member and gain access to unparalleled expertise, information, and data that focus on helping your Banking institution.
  2. – is a platform from the bankers to the bankers. Know top stories, learn about compliances, lending and operations and get free newsletters every month by becoming a member.
  3. – Mortgage Banking Association is a leading advocate for the real estate finance industry, the company serves its members with a comprehensive range of tools and capabilities that help the members to face the ever-changing business environment.
  4. – Career bank offers the best jobs in finance, banking, and accounting. Post a job over here, and get connected with job hunters instantly.
  5. – A committed and focussed community that concentrates on serving customers and supporting the Banking community. From personal banking to investing and commercial, there is room for everyone over here.
  6. – A career in Banking can be exciting only if you can stay updated and be able to adapt to the changing technologies. The Texas Bankers provide advocacy, guidelines and provides a wide range of job opportunities and experiences to candidates seeking a career in Banking.
  7. – The Pennsylvania Banker’s Association is dedicated to providing professional educational conferences, seminars, schools, and training resources so that the bankers can stay competitive. It as well provides a wide range of educational services to its members.
  8. – The Massachusetts Bankers Association is designed to offer its members convenient tools for locating employees within the Banking and financial sector and also help potential job hunters looking to secure employment.
  9. – Want more than just a job? – The U.S Bank provides tools, incentives, resources and personal support that is needed to pursue your dreams and foster a meaningful relationship with the like-minded people.
  10. – with GBA’s career path, you are sure to get unique and organized career development resources. This resource page offers career development offerings and more to the bankers and banks.
  11. – The TBA job bank is the best tool for locating qualified employees within the financial sector. This job bank is created for job seekers who are interested in a Banking career.

Social Media Resources for Banking Career

Using Social Media platforms may be a trend or vogue for many industries but for the Banking sector, the reasons are far beyond this. Building a social media network or strategy is both effective and challenging. The key benefits of social media apart from new client acquisition includes – getting key industry insights, builds brand awareness, strengthens relationships, humanizes the brand and reduces costs and efforts.

As social media matures, you are also bound to stay on top of the latest social trends and practices followed by the Banking industry to stay competitive. Listed below are some best social media toolkit for your reference –

  1. Deutsche Bank Careers
  2. American Bankers Association
  3. Bank of America
  4. American Banker

Banking Career Resources for Women

When women can manage their homes so efficiently, then why can’t they manage the financial operations of the country!

Still, women continue to be under-represented in the Banking sector, and one of the reasons can be that they are not led or inspired to take a career or professionally advance in this career. Despite significant progress, the Banking sector continues to be male-dominated, and in fact, women occupy only 31% of the managerial positions in commercial banking sectors.

Banking Career Resources for Women

As per research by Penn Medicine, there is a striking difference between the men and women’s brain and the most interesting part is that these differences are complementary. While men are better at learning and can perform only one task at a time, women, on the other hand, tend to have more connections and can facilitate good communication, have better memory and social cognition skills. This attribute enables them to multi-task and create excellent solutions to work as and for a group.

Hence it becomes vital to tap these resourceful skills of a woman as they can seamlessly balance all aspects of Banking, no matter, how large or small the sector may be.

The following resources give insight and things to know about women who have made it big in this Banking sector –

  1. – The Platform not only allows women to search for Banking jobs over here but they also focus on bringing into the picture the achievements and success of women in the Banking sector from all across the globe.
  2. – The main aim of the ABA is to treat women who are under-represented mainly in the Banking community. They lead and help the women in the Banking sector by providing the needed resources and opportunities so that they can network among their peers.
  3. – A great platform from a woman to a woman. Donna Smith, advocacies as to why women should choose this career path.

News Resources for Banking professionals

With so many companies, news, trends, and terms around the globe, keeping track of the Banking sector can be a daunting process. But, still, with the advent of Internet technology, you can stay current and get all Banking-related news at your fingertips. Even if you are not a Banking pro, you can sense and understand the money market these days using the Banking News Resources available on the web.

Banking Career News, Books & Video Resources


To stay on the top merely a degree or a work experience in the Banking industry will not be enough, but what is more important is to stay current with the latest Banking news and happenings. Luckily, the internet is flooded with various Banking new sites that provide a wealth of information about the Banking marketplace.

And not just that, these days websites are more in demand than offline studies among candidates seeking to prepare for the Banking competitive examination. To give our readers a better experience, we have thoroughly researched and discussed below the top websites that not only provide Banking news but allow the job hunters to prepare from home –

  1. – An article that explains your net earning capacity earned in your Banking career. Get the latest career advice and newsletters directly into your inbox by becoming a member over here.
  2. – BBC is the best site that helps you to stay on top of the market. This news site is full of Banking information, wealth management, and more.
  3. – Readers can enjoy a whole lot of articles, new releases, and updates that feature the Banking community.
  4. – the site highlights data and trends that can help Banking and financial institutions provide its members and customers with a huge amount of financial management tools needed to make sound financial decisions.

Banking Career Book References

A great way to learn the ins and outs of Banking is to read a variety of Banking books. It is rightly said by reading plenty of books, you gain a huge amount of knowledge and skills in a relatively short period.

But the only problem is that there are so many Banking books available in the market which leaves you confused! For example, if you search for “Banking Books” on the Amazon website, you can see more than 50k books.

So how do you know which is the best book, or what to read?

To understand better the field and enhance your skills, we have shortlisted and provided you the following best books resources available on the internet which are worth a read –

  1. The Best Book on Investment Banking Careers – Are you interested in pursuing a career in the field of Investment Banking! Then this book will be something that you shouldn’t miss out on.
  2. Investment Banking For Dummies – The book will enrich the readers and give a review of the investment Banking basics.
  3. The Technical Interview Guide to Investment Banking– A perfect book for those who want to ace the investment banker interviews. The book helps in forecasting interviews and guides on how to prepare for both content and structure.
  4. How to Be an Investment Banker, +Website: Recruiting Interviewing and Landing the Job – This is a top-notch resource for those who want to break into the demanding investment Banking. The best book for undergraduate and MBA students.

Video Resources for Banking Career

Using videos for educating is the latest trend, as this can impart the matter in the eyes of the viewer in a better way, and also increase awareness.

Do you want to know about basic Banking jobs? Or do you want to enhance your skills in Investment Banking? Or do you simply want to understand the money market? Whatever your needs may be, Video Resources can be an ideal solution.

Now all these can be at your fingertips with a plethora of video resources available on the Internet. But which place to look out for? Where to start exactly?

Based on our research and experience, we have shortlisted and recommend these sources that are sure to improve your knowledge, skills, and education on various Banking aspects –

  1. Advantages of careers in Banking
  2. Investment Banking Career Tips
  3. Deutsche Bank
  4. Bank of America

Resumes ahead of the Curve

At last, decided to pursue a Career in Banking! Began your search for a new job in the Banking sector? If your answer is yes, then your next concern should be as to how to write a professional and impressive Resume. Searching for a job with an unimpressive resume can not only be stressful but will add to your woes. A strong and robust CV alone can market the applicant’s skills and bring them closer to secure a Banking job.

Banking Resumes

While you may have a good academic record, plenty of work experience and be good with figures and numbers, Resume-writing may not be your cup of cake. An attractive resume is the one that provides all details in a formatted and creative manner.

What’s the use of making a good resume?

Simple – Great Resumes get you Interview! In reality, hiring companies get thousands of job applications. Most of these resumes go directly into the hands of the hiring managers. A good resume necessarily may not get you the job but it gives a guarantee for an interview. And this is why building a great resume is very important in the first place.

Why us then!

There are innumerable sites that offer resume templates online, but it’s difficult to find the one which is up-to-date with the prevailing Banking Trends and which can help you search for the perfect job.

We have assembled in our page an excellent collection of carefully Curated Job Resume Samples to help job seekers meet the demands of this ever-evolving job market. Our professional team of Career advisors are constantly working on new samples and are coming up to tweak existing ones so that they can highlight the latest hiring trends, job responsibilities, and qualifications.

It is highly impossible to offer a Resume sample for every Banking job title under the Earth, but we have done our best to provide that, and are even working on it more! While we keep working on developing our resume library, you can still be able to find a wide variety of resume samples for most major industries as well as a collection of newly designed Banking Resume templates that can be downloaded for free and customized as needed.

Over here you can find professional resume samples tailored to suit every need of the Banking job seekers –

Handpicked Banking Resume Samples


Our Expert approved Banking resume templates will help you get more callbacks.

Easy to Use

100+ reviewed job titles with over 1000+ resume samples to choose from.


Include right skills and buzzwords to help pass through Automated Resume Tracking systems.

Fresh Ideas

We show you the best 10 resume samples by job title so that you can find the perfect words for your resume. Get inspired!

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